Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey

This past few weeks, I have been waiting to read the book everyone seems to be talking about, "Fifty Shades of Grey."  While I have wanted to read the book and find out what all they hype was about, I also had mixed feelings towards it due to the fact that I have read both good and bad reviews... Needless to say, my curiosity won and I asked my husband to pick up the book for my birthday.

While it is no Charlaine Harris or Patricia Briggs book, it was an (eyebrows raised) interesting read. 

**Warning Spoilers**

The book starts out with a woman named Ana who is in her twenties, who is so naive, it is almost laughable.  While I'm sure there are some twenty year old women who not only have never had sex, but also never have never had a relationship of any sort, it is certainly getting more and more rare these days. 

She meets Christian Grey in an interview she does for a friend, since her friend is on the school newspaper but is sick.  Christian Grey is a twenty something year old rich CEO (almost as laughable as the virgin) who is deeply into BDSM.

They start a relationship, and basically are trying to come to a compromise of how things will be since he is a bit twisted and she is so naive.  By the end of the book, the reader is left hanging to find out what will happen between Ana and Mr. Grey.

This is all amidst the almost constant monologue of Ana's inner goddess and Christian touching, as the author so eloquently puts it (lol) Ana's sex.  Why can't the author just call it what it is?  And Ana's inner goddess needs to put some duct tape over her mouth... although between the duct tape and Ana's almost constant lip biting, the reader still wouldn't get much beyond all of the heightened hormones and contant intercourse, since Christian would just be in a state.

Don't get me wrong, the story was interesting... Interesting enough I will continue the trilogy to find out what happens between Ana and Grey, but the writing lacked a certain finesse.

If you're looking for something with some real literary meat, stop reading.  Fifty shades of Grey will not meet that need.  But if you're looking for something that is meant for light reading with a bit of romance and a bit of kinky scenery, Fifty Shades of Grey is a match for you.

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